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Opening for the 2024 Season on December 21st

We are pleased to announce that our shop will open for the 2024 season at Shiga Kogen Yama no Eki starting December 21st.​ We are truly grateful to all the visitors who come to Shiga Kogen every year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

This season, we have created new T-shirts and zip-up hoodies featuring designs inspired by the Snow Monkeys, skiing, and gondolas. At Yama no Eki, you can choose from four different T-shirt colors. ​ 

We hope these souvenirs will remind you of your wonderful time in Shiga Kogen and encourage many more to visit this beautiful region. We will continue to do our best to make your experience memorable.

Thank you for your continued support this season.



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Shiga Kogen Souvenirs is your go-to source for styles influenced by the what skiers and snowboarders want most. Our products were designed to give the customer the quality and style they deserve, at a price they can afford.

For the design of the logo, we used Mount Kasaga from Mt. Yokote, which is a superb view symbolizing Shiga Kogen, and the Northern Alps behind it. The sun which symbolizes Japan was put in the goggles which symbolizes ski resort. Shiga Kogen Souvemirs is a souvenir company that focuses on quality and functionality to protect its brand image and that of the area.

  • What are your store hours? (山の駅のおみやげ店の営業時間は?)
    Please check our Facebook or Instagram. 時期によって営業時間が異なります。営業時間については、SNSにて発信しております。
  • Where are you located in Yamoneki? (山の駅のどこにお店がありますか?)
    We are located in the Main Yamoneki Building where the Rope Way is located. You can pick your goods up here. 山の駅の1階のメイン玄関を入ってすぐ左にお店がございます。 こちらでおみやげを直接購入することもできます。
  • What if the item doesn't fit? (サイズが合わなかった時はどうしたら良いですか?)
    We are happy to exchange the item for you. Just bring your receipt and bring it to our Sshigakogen Yamonoeki location and we will change the size for you. Should you not be able to do that, you can send it to us pre-paid and we will send it back to your address collect. 商品の交換をさせていただきます。志賀高原山の駅にお越し頂き、その場でサイズの合ったものをお渡しいたします。または、山の駅にお越しになるのが難しい場合は、お手数をお掛け致しますが、元払いにて下記の住所にお送りください。ご指定の住所に配送いたします。
  • Is the size of the clothes Japanese size?(サイズは日本サイズですか?)
    No, SHIGA KOGEN original logo clothes are US size. Japanese are recommend one size smaller. いいえ、,志賀高原マークの入った衣類はUSサイズです。日本の方はワンサイズ小さめをオススメ致します。 HOTARU T-shirts, LONG-T, and Dry T-shirts (items which are not printed SHIGAKOGEN LOGO) are Japanese size. また、蛍Tシャツ、ロングTシャツ、ドライTシャツなどの志賀高原のロゴの入っていないTシャツは日本のサイズです。
  • What if I want to buy in cash?(現金で購入したい場合はどうしたら良いですか?)
    Please drop in our shop at Shigakogen Yananoeki. Sorry, online stores are not available for cash purchase. 志賀高原山の駅のお店にお立ち寄りください。申し訳ございませんが、オンラインストアは、現金で購入することができません。
  • What is your guarantee?(商品に対する補償はありますか?)
    Our goods are of the highest quality and we guarantee them against manufacturers defects should there be a problem, but we are confident there won't be, as we only work with the best manufacturers in the world and we inspect each item before selling it to you. However, should there be a problem, we are happy to exchange or give you a full refund. 世界の高品質のメーカーとのみ協力して商品を製造し、販売する前に各アイテムを検品を行なっているため、問題は少ないと考えておりますが、問題が発生した場合は、商品交換または全額返金いたします。


Sachi-no-Yu, Hratoko, Shiga-Kogen, Yamanouchi-machi, 
Shimotakaido-gun, Nagano, Japan

Store Hours 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

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